Dark Matter & The Four Dimensions of the Universe: A Concept

I’ve been thinking about dimensions, frameworks and basically how our universe might be constructed, be it real or artificial. What got me started was wondering about dark matter and dark energy. If we can’t see these, perhaps they are on a different dimension?

[I’m not qualified in any scientific field, so this is just a hypothesis at best]

Our universe exists of 3 dimensions – 2D, 3D and 4D. We perceive the 3D world, we can’t see the 4D world, and we should be able to see the 2D world except it might be too small or fragile to notice.

The 2ND Dimension

  • 1.665% of matter in our galaxy
  • The framework / lattice / layout
  • We should be able to see it, but perhaps it is too small?
  • Possibly every sub-atomic particle lives in its own circular 2D environment
  • Being 2D, it can’t see the 3D world, but perhaps it can sense it somehow?
  • The source or realm of quantum physics?

The 3RD Dimension

  • 4.6157% of matter in our galaxy
  • The user experience

The 4TH Dimension

  • 98.336% of matter in our galaxy
  • Dark Matter
  • Ether
  • God
  • Universal Mind
  • Too big to see, or perhaps we can’t see it because it has 4 dimensions?


Web Design: Layout / User Experience / Content
Religion: Hell / Earth / Heaven
Art: Canvas / Paint / Brush

Our world is like the Internet, where the Internet is also the observer/reader/visitor. Creator and viewer at the same time.


I think the relative size of the dimensions should be square or cubes. So the numbers above are just a guess based on one of many patterns:

The amount of 3D matter is the cube of 2D matter. Adding 2D and 4D gets 100%.

I can’t explain why!


Watch the start of this video to see how a 2D being would see a 3D object intersect with their world.

Or read more here:

Basically, in a 3D world we should be able to see all of a 2D world, but the 2D world can only see us if we pass through it. If we are an irregular shape, then we would appear to grow, shrink and change.I think the 2D folk would see the object as 1D?

So I presume it works the same if we move up one dimension. A 4D world can see us, be we can only see them if they pass through our world. And they would also appear to grow, shrink and change to us. I think us 3D folk would see the object as 2D?

In the video, at any time the man can remove is hand, seemingly vanishing from the 2D world. Presumably a 4D being could be seen and then vanish from our world. Could this be an explanation of ghosts and/or UFOs?

If they appeared 2D for us, then UFOs need to be high in the sky, or else we would notice their 2D nature. Perhaps ghosts can’t be seen side-on?

Quantum Physics and UFOs

Seemingly little particles can sense when they are being observed. Perhaps in quantum physics, 2D beings can’t see anything from our 3D world, but they can sense our presence?

Likewise, perhaps some people and animals can sense 4D beings that are nearby, even though we can’t see them?

Graham Hancock suggests that 2% of tribal people become shamans, and 2% of modern society witness UFOs. Perhaps both have the ability to sense 4D beings nearby, and imagine that they are actually seeing them? Could explain ghosts as well.

Further complicating this, a 4D being could deliberately be seen, visibly, by choosing to intersect with our world – just as the man in the video chooses to push his arm through Flatland.