NPCs Won’t Be Creative Types

If we know one thing about AI, it isn’t very good at creating art. Any paintings or music they make tend to be shared around because of how odd or bad they are.

Which leads me to believe that Non-Player Characters (NPCs) in our world are unlikely to be creatives. The singers and actors who are simply mimicking, might be NPCs, but those who write their own songs, and the screenwriters and perhaps directors, they are going to be real.

Likewise, people with unique taste… It seems that 90% of society – the people we otherwise don’t notice – are very content with McDonalds and $5 pizzas. They would mostly be NPCs, incapable of separating quality from “what everyone else does”. At the other end of the scale, food critics and master chefs would be real, and in-between those two extremes… who can say?

Which makes me think that NPCs will typically follow trends to be “normal” but are incapable of starting those trends themselves. So the first fans of McDonalds would be real, and therefore some of their current customers will be as well, so don’t write them off.

Surround yourself with creatives and this temporary experience might be richer for you!